Support small businesses

Buy Locally

Why buy locally?

When you buy locally you receive a better service, you’re supporting a local business and helping a local economy grow. Not only that but a local business cares much more about their reputation, as a result of this you get a much better service from a business local to you.

For every £1 spent with a small independent business 63 pence is reinvested locally. By buying locally you are making your village more prosperous.

Have more choice

The more you spend with a local business, the more businesses you support and the more businesses will be attracted to the village or the more reasons you give another person to start their own business. The end result is you get a much wider choice.

A nicer community

A thriving local community means you avoid having to live in yet another sterile dormitory town where the big names are taking over.

How to find local businesses

You’ll be amazed at just how many independent businesses there are in your village and how varied they are. Have a quick look in your free edition of WOW (Window on Wheathampstead) Wheathampstead’s online and in print directory or click the button below to go directly to our Business Directory.