Support small businesses

Buy Locally

Welcome to the Wheathampstead Businesses website! Our charming village in the heart of Hertfordshire is more than just a picturesque place—it’s a thriving community of local shops, artisans, and services. By choosing to buy locally, you’re not only getting the freshest products and personalised service, but you’re also supporting your neighbours and strengthening our local economy


Why buy locally?

  1. Support Our Community: Every pound spent at a local business circulates within our community, helping to create jobs, fund local services, and support schools and public facilities. Studies show that local businesses reinvest significantly more of their revenue back into the local economy compared to national chains.
  1. Enjoy Fresher, Higher-Quality Products: Local businesses offer unique, high-quality goods that are often made or grown nearby. This means fresher produce, handmade crafts, and personalized services that you won’t find in big-box stores.
  1. Reduce Your Environmental Impact: Shopping locally reduces your carbon footprint. Products travel shorter distances to reach you, which means less pollution and a smaller environmental impact. Many local producers also use sustainable practices that are better for the environment.
  1. Build Community Connections: When you shop locally, you get to know the people behind the products. This fosters a sense of community and belonging. Whether it’s chatting with the owner of your favorite café or attending local events, buying local helps build a vibrant, connected community.
Join Us in Making a Difference
Your support for local businesses in Wheathampstead helps ensure our village remains a dynamic and prosperous place to live and work. 
Explore our directory of local shops, services, and markets to discover the unique offerings in our area. Together, we can make 
Wheathampstead a model of sustainable, community-focused living.

Start exploring now and see the difference buying locally can make!

For every £1 spent with a small independent business 63 pence is reinvested locally. By buying locally you are making your village more prosperous.

Have more choice

The more you spend with a local business, the more businesses you support and the more businesses will be attracted to the village or the more reasons you give another person to start their own business. The end result is you get a much wider choice.

A nicer community

A thriving local community means you avoid having to live in yet another sterile dormitory town where the big names are taking over.

How to find local businesses

You’ll be amazed at just how many independent businesses there are in your village and how varied they are. Have a quick look in your free edition of WOW (Window on Wheathampstead) Wheathampstead’s online and in print directory or click the Find a Local Business  button at the top of the page to go directly to our Business Directory.